Sunday, September 9, 2012

Windy Day

NorthernToddler arrived home from a bicycling adventure (he wanted to ride the bike path so he could go fast. He chose his Jeep "Trail-Rated" bicycle because 'my dirt bike is fast and can keep up with Daddy'.) to find that the strong winds had ripped up the patio tent and tossed it into the house.
Toddler was impressed by how the wind was able to pull the screw anchors right out of the ground and flip the tent. He wasn't so cool with the twisted metal and torn fabric that doomed this tent to the landfill.
The tent served the Northerns' well for several years, but this year was to be its last: the fabric was deteriorating from exposure, and a replacement was next to impossible to locate. At least this way, the tent went out in style (and left a memorable impression)!

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