Saturday, September 15, 2012

Is It October Yet?

NorthernMommy and Daddy don't have the heart to tell Toddler about the impending NHL lockout, especially since he just got his gear for the Beginner Hockey program that he's joining next month. NorthernToddler is stoked about his gear - he got a helmet, pads, skates and a new stick. He's had the stuff for less than five hours and has "practiced" putting on and taking off each piece of gear about a million times. (All the better for Mommy and Daddy - if he can get all his gear on by himself, that's more time for them to drink coffee and try to stay warm!)
Oval Sticker
Image above taken from
Argh! Pirate Goaler! (No goalie gear for Toddler yet - he's got to learn to skate and play before goalie work begins. He did try to con Mommy and Daddy into buying a set of goalie pads, but they caught on: the one leg pad was taller than Toddler. No deal, kid.)
 Fierce. Toddler is ready for the game...

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