Thursday, September 6, 2012

Not Quite Right

NorthernMommy and Daddy have been trying to raise Toddler in the correct fashion: proper manners, good behavior, balanced meals, and life skills - to include safety. They think that they've been doing a fairly good job; Toddler's fairly intelligent (with a side of common sense) and has made it to the age of four with no major injuries.
Since so many of the Northern Family's meals are made at home, the stove gets a workout. Each night, as dinner is made, Toddler's games, activities, and/or general mayhem is moved away from the cooking area with the warning that the stove or oven is HOT! After years of this, Toddler knows to steer clear of the oven to avoid the possibility of a burn.
Tonight, as NorthernDaddy was preparing dinner, he needed to heat some leftovers in the microwave. When the bell rang, the container being heated was, (Duh) NorthernDaddy had to leave the microwave door open as he juggled the steaming dish to the countertop. As usual, he got busy with other dinner preparations and forgot to go back and shut the microwave door.
NorthernDaddy was switching between cooking some bacon and slicing some tomatoes when NorthernToddler began yelling at Daddy. Due to the sizzling bacon and the loud radio, Daddy couldn't hear Toddler too clearly. When asked to repeat himself, Toddler shouted, "Close the microwave oven door, I'm getting hot in here!"
Don't think he understands the difference between the microwave and the conventional oven just yet.....

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