Wednesday, September 19, 2012

C is for Cookie

Earlier this week, a care package arrived from NoVA. It contained a hockey-themed book for NorthernToddler and a bag of the much-anticipated Candy Corn Oreos. NorthernToddler insisted on two things: that the book be read immediately and that the cookies be shared with the whole family. (Does he really think that NorthernDaddy would snarf down all of the cookies and not share? Well, of course he does - he knows Daddy!)
NorthernToddler and NorthernDaddy are grateful for the care package. Knowing NorthernDaddy's poor record of sending thank-you notes, the boys decided to make signs and post them on this blog to show their appreciation.(NorthernMommy is grateful too; it's just that she wasn't home to make a sign....)

1 comment:

Iris said...

sGlad they arrived in edible condition!