Tuesday, September 11, 2012


NorthernDaddy has a problem. NorthernMommy might have the problem, too. (Hold on while a question is asked. Yup, she has the problem.)
The problem is that whenever NorthernToddler is taken shopping, he has to look at everything. And touch everything. And ask questions about everything.
It's fine that Toddler is actively engaged in his environment and learning tons of new stuff at every turn, but sometimes a person just wants to buy the items on the shopping list and move on.
As an example, NorthernDaddy needed the tool below. He's been painting the trim on the house, and at clean-up time, he wants to properly clean the brushes to preserve their lifespans (especially because each brush costs about $16). So, a brush comb is needed.
This item (a brush comb) was on the list of things to pick up at the home center today. There were only three items on the list: painter's tape, a brush comb, and a scraper. NorthernToddler got to looking and touching and questioning so many things that Daddy only remembered the tape and scraper. The bad part? The bad part is that the brush comb was written down on the list, and it was still forgotten.
The really bad part? The really bad part is that a brush comb has been on the list for three days, and on each day/trip to the store, the brush comb has been forgotten.

Three days of Toddler-assisted screwup - NorthernDaddy is pretty annoyed. So aggravated that when it came time to clean the paintbrushes tonight, NorthernDaddy went and did something crazy. He "borrowed" Toddler's hair comb and used that to clean the paint out of the brush bristles.
Don't tell NorthernMommy!

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