Wednesday, September 19, 2012

C is for Cookie

Earlier this week, a care package arrived from NoVA. It contained a hockey-themed book for NorthernToddler and a bag of the much-anticipated Candy Corn Oreos. NorthernToddler insisted on two things: that the book be read immediately and that the cookies be shared with the whole family. (Does he really think that NorthernDaddy would snarf down all of the cookies and not share? Well, of course he does - he knows Daddy!)
NorthernToddler and NorthernDaddy are grateful for the care package. Knowing NorthernDaddy's poor record of sending thank-you notes, the boys decided to make signs and post them on this blog to show their appreciation.(NorthernMommy is grateful too; it's just that she wasn't home to make a sign....)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Is It October Yet?

NorthernMommy and Daddy don't have the heart to tell Toddler about the impending NHL lockout, especially since he just got his gear for the Beginner Hockey program that he's joining next month. NorthernToddler is stoked about his gear - he got a helmet, pads, skates and a new stick. He's had the stuff for less than five hours and has "practiced" putting on and taking off each piece of gear about a million times. (All the better for Mommy and Daddy - if he can get all his gear on by himself, that's more time for them to drink coffee and try to stay warm!)
Oval Sticker
Image above taken from
Argh! Pirate Goaler! (No goalie gear for Toddler yet - he's got to learn to skate and play before goalie work begins. He did try to con Mommy and Daddy into buying a set of goalie pads, but they caught on: the one leg pad was taller than Toddler. No deal, kid.)
 Fierce. Toddler is ready for the game...


Tuesday, September 11, 2012


NorthernDaddy has a problem. NorthernMommy might have the problem, too. (Hold on while a question is asked. Yup, she has the problem.)
The problem is that whenever NorthernToddler is taken shopping, he has to look at everything. And touch everything. And ask questions about everything.
It's fine that Toddler is actively engaged in his environment and learning tons of new stuff at every turn, but sometimes a person just wants to buy the items on the shopping list and move on.
As an example, NorthernDaddy needed the tool below. He's been painting the trim on the house, and at clean-up time, he wants to properly clean the brushes to preserve their lifespans (especially because each brush costs about $16). So, a brush comb is needed.
This item (a brush comb) was on the list of things to pick up at the home center today. There were only three items on the list: painter's tape, a brush comb, and a scraper. NorthernToddler got to looking and touching and questioning so many things that Daddy only remembered the tape and scraper. The bad part? The bad part is that the brush comb was written down on the list, and it was still forgotten.
The really bad part? The really bad part is that a brush comb has been on the list for three days, and on each day/trip to the store, the brush comb has been forgotten.

Three days of Toddler-assisted screwup - NorthernDaddy is pretty annoyed. So aggravated that when it came time to clean the paintbrushes tonight, NorthernDaddy went and did something crazy. He "borrowed" Toddler's hair comb and used that to clean the paint out of the brush bristles.
Don't tell NorthernMommy!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Windy Day

NorthernToddler arrived home from a bicycling adventure (he wanted to ride the bike path so he could go fast. He chose his Jeep "Trail-Rated" bicycle because 'my dirt bike is fast and can keep up with Daddy'.) to find that the strong winds had ripped up the patio tent and tossed it into the house.
Toddler was impressed by how the wind was able to pull the screw anchors right out of the ground and flip the tent. He wasn't so cool with the twisted metal and torn fabric that doomed this tent to the landfill.
The tent served the Northerns' well for several years, but this year was to be its last: the fabric was deteriorating from exposure, and a replacement was next to impossible to locate. At least this way, the tent went out in style (and left a memorable impression)!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Visual History of Snow Travel Old Snowmobiles

The Northerns got a chance to visit the Shelburne Museum to see their exhibit on the history of snowmobiles. It's a pretty good display (not as good as the motorcycle exhibit they had previously), and there were things that NorthernMommy, Daddy, Toddler and Grandparents had never seen before.
This one is a snowmobile converted into a motorboat (to get year-round use from the snowmachine). Please excuse the blurry photos - they are the ones that were taken after NorthernDaddy got busted for using his flash. (There wasn't a sign prohibiting flash photos, Mr. MuseumSecurityDude...)
Just plain cool. 
What?! No suspension, no heated grips? Barbarians!
Snow-Moto? Snoped? Not real sure that this is a good idea.
High fashion accessorizing from the Seventies.
Strange-but-cool contraption.

Urgently Needed!

NorthernMommy just turned her iPad around and showed NorthernDaddy the picture below:
According to the buzz on the web, these puppies are going to hit the market on September 10. They supposedly will only be available at Target stores. The closest Target store to the Northerns is over an hour away.
NorthernDaddy just happens to know someone who works at a Target store in the South. NorthernDaddy is willing to reimburse said person for the purchase price of said cookies when he visits in December. NorthernDaddy needs these cookies.
How about snagging a box?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Not Quite Right

NorthernMommy and Daddy have been trying to raise Toddler in the correct fashion: proper manners, good behavior, balanced meals, and life skills - to include safety. They think that they've been doing a fairly good job; Toddler's fairly intelligent (with a side of common sense) and has made it to the age of four with no major injuries.
Since so many of the Northern Family's meals are made at home, the stove gets a workout. Each night, as dinner is made, Toddler's games, activities, and/or general mayhem is moved away from the cooking area with the warning that the stove or oven is HOT! After years of this, Toddler knows to steer clear of the oven to avoid the possibility of a burn.
Tonight, as NorthernDaddy was preparing dinner, he needed to heat some leftovers in the microwave. When the bell rang, the container being heated was, (Duh) NorthernDaddy had to leave the microwave door open as he juggled the steaming dish to the countertop. As usual, he got busy with other dinner preparations and forgot to go back and shut the microwave door.
NorthernDaddy was switching between cooking some bacon and slicing some tomatoes when NorthernToddler began yelling at Daddy. Due to the sizzling bacon and the loud radio, Daddy couldn't hear Toddler too clearly. When asked to repeat himself, Toddler shouted, "Close the microwave oven door, I'm getting hot in here!"
Don't think he understands the difference between the microwave and the conventional oven just yet.....

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lost the Will to Live

No cake for dessert? NorthernToddler says he might as well lie down on the tracks in front of this train....
 Nah, that's not the way he rolls....gotta keep moving; something good will come along.... 
Maybe he'll stumble upon some cookies...or pie...or ice cream.