Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Is This Fair?

It is still hockey season in the Northern household. There was a wonderful week of seventy and eighty degree days, during which the Northerns spent a lot of time outside and tried to switch Toddler from hockey to baseball. Unfortunately, it started snowing again this week. To Toddler, that means that it's still hockey season. NorthernDaddy is thinking that renting out an entire ice rink for Toddler's birthday didn't help things...and buying Toddler an honest-to-goodness-real hockey stick probably wasn't a good way to try and end the season, either.

So, the kitchen hockey continues. The photo below shows the rather nice hockey goal that NorthernToddler gets to shoot at when trying to score a goal.

This photo shows the goal that Toddler has set up for Daddy to shoot at to make a goal.

Is this fair?


Toddler posing in front of his neato new goal - it has little white LEDs in the tubes that make the front frame glow. Really cool.

1 comment:

The Virginia Jeeper said...

Love the superstar hockey uniform!