Sunday, March 18, 2012


If, by the title of this post, you're hoping to see pictures of cute little ducklings, then you will be disappointed. The NorthernToddler clan is still going to get ducks, it just won't be today.

Yesterday, NorthernMommy set us all on a mission to get the equipment we needed for the brooder. Shavings, heat lamp, chick waterer, and chick feeder. (At least all the stuff can be used for both ducks and chicks - we are adding more chickens to the flock this year.) We got all the stuff and set up a brooder box from wood that was kicking around - it's all ready to go.

Today, we visited Tractor Supply to see if they had any ducklings for sale. NorthernToddler was very excited and curious about getting baby ducks. NorthernDaddy spent the whole ride to the store telling Toddler not to be too disappointed if there weren't any ducks available - Mommy and Daddy didn't know if it really was Chick Days at TSC (or what breeds they had, etc.). Walking in the door at TSC, it was immediately evident that there were no little chicks or ducklings - the lack of chirping and cheeping was proof enough.

By inquiring of the clerk, the Northerns learned that there would be several more shipments of chicks and ducklings over the coming weeks. Armed with the dates the shipments would arrive, Mommy and Daddy led a dejected Toddler out to the car.

Driving up Shelburne Road several miles from Tractor Supply, the Northerns passed a large pond with a fountain in the middle - and ducks.

Toddler yelled out: "LOOK! OVER THERE! DUCKS!......GO GET THEM!"

NorthernToddler really wants his ducks....

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