Thursday, March 15, 2012

Stinky Feet

NorthernToddler is a punk.

A little background to start with: NorthernDaddy's feet stink.  They stink pretty badly. SouthernGrandma blames Daddy's stinky feet on genetics - which helps (or doesn't?) a lot, but the problem is compounded by NorthernDaddy cramming his feet into work boots every day. Take a smelly pair of feet, confine them in old boots, and sweat all day, and you'll end up with rank feet every time.

NorthernToddler has started to notice.

Now, Toddler is starting to develop his own set of stinky feet, but at three years old, his feet have not grown into full "bloom" yet. They're just a little smelly at this time. Enough to notice on some days.

Okay, enough background - time to set the scene. Toddler, Mommy, and Daddy were all riding home in the junky car after dropping the NorthernToddlerAdventureMobile off at the shop for some (remarkably expensive) repair work. Toddler is strapped into his seat in the back and starts to take his shoes off.
He gets the first shoe off, and gets to working on the second. Then:

Toddler: "Daddy, have you been in my shoes?"

Daddy: "Huh?"

Toddler: "Have you been in my shoes?"

Daddy: "What are you talking about?" (Daddy's hasn't been paying too much attention, and he's trying to figure out where Toddler is going with this. Is he asking if I stretched his shoes out? Is he asking if I know how he feels - the old 'walk a mile in my shoes' line - and if so, where did he get such a deep understanding? Daddy's just confused at this point.)

Toddler: "I think you've been in my shoes because they really, really stink."

NorthernMommy nearly ran off the road and killed us all because she was laughing so much....

1 comment:

Diane said...

Oh my goodness, what are you doing to do with him?? Thanks for my laugh for the day.