Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bomb Fireworks Maker

NorthernMommy went off to some meeting or something and left poor NorthernDaddy alone with Toddler. Daddy was cooking dinner as Toddler started building something in the living room. When Daddy came to check on things, Toddler was in the middle of building "fireworks". The stack of cards there is his pile of fireworks. When asked what the fireworks would do, Toddler replied, "They go BOOM!" (Can y'all see where that is going? Daddy is picturing cards thrown all over the room....)

When Daddy asked Toddler what the line of blocks there was supposed to be, Toddler said that they were a blast wall. Then he said - and this is an exact quote - "Don't worry Daddy, I'm building a wall to stop the fireworks so you won't get messed up."
Isn't it nice to know that he doesn't want his Daddy to get 'messed up'?

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