Sunday, March 4, 2012

NorthernDaddy Didn't Break Any Bones!

Notes from today:

1. After chores, the NorthernFamily went ice skating. NorthernMommy even convinced NorthernDaddy to risk life and limb by lacing up skates and stepping out onto the ice. Turns out that Daddy still remembers a little bit of the skating lesson that Mommy gave him oh, seven years ago...Toddler thinks that he was teaching Daddy how to skate. Toddler was hanging onto his milk crates for balance, with Mommy holding him up by the jacket, and still he fell several times.
On the ride to the grocery store, Toddler was full of praise for Daddy: "Daddy, you did pretty good skating. You didn't fall. I'm a good teacher, right?"

2. In the brain of a toddler, there is a fine line between insanity and genius. One second, NorthernToddler can be serving up truly profound observations about the world we live in; and the next, he will launch a song with totally gibberish lyrics. It is a little surreal and unsettling. (Of course, his parents think that Toddler is just continuing in his plan to drive them totally batty before he turns four!)

"Can't see me!"

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