Friday, March 23, 2012


NorthernDaddy got scooped. He was out picking up one of Toddler's birthday presents (to be presented at the rink for his ice skating/hockey party), so NorthernMommy got to be the one to take Toddler to pick up the new ducklings. She got home first, got her camera first, and posted first.

NorthernToddler even named the three ducklings before Daddy got home! Quack, Mack, and Jack. That doesn't sound anything like the names Daddy was thinking of.... He was thinking of "Roast", "Lunch", and "Confit".

The ducklings are very cute, but they remain dinner. Whether the Northerns keep the flock at three or go back for another round (six), not one of these ducks are being kept past October. Well, they'll be the freezer. So, while Toddler is naming the ducks and giggling at the way they nibble on him, NorthernDaddy is studying on how best to fatten them up and methods of 'processing'.

Stay tuned!


Dan said...

Aah, dinner never looked so cute!

Diane said...

How could you eat those precious ducks??