Sunday, May 31, 2009

Kicked Out of Our Own House

Cari had a Silly Putty (or Silpada or something...) party at our house yesterday afternoon, and N.B. and Daddy got sent away. (Mind you, this is after Daddy cleaned the kitchen to shiny spotlessness and Levi fulfilled his promise to not drop any crumbs on the living room floor for just five minutes....) Fine, we don't want to hang out with any silly girls and jewelry anyway! We're going out!
Levi removed his shoes and put his sock on his head before we made it out of Jericho....We saw a real neat flat-fender as we rolled through Essex...

The motorcycle shop was closed, so we stopped at a little park for a snack.
Here, Levi chomps on a cracker (yeah, we're out on a man-tour, but Daddy wouldn't let him have any beef jerky just yet).

Whatchulookinat? Daddy tries for a nice photo together while Levi puts on his gangsta face.

Is he not the cutest kid ever?!

We made it to Lowes to do some low-budget shopping and research for future projects. We checked out new bathroom fixtures, investigated the kitchen layouts (Levi found a refrigerator that he really likes, even though I told him we have a brand-new one at home), and played in every last aisle of the store. Levi also wants a small version of this chair:

Umm...Daddy, can I ride back here?!

We took Grammy to breakfast at The Inn at Shelburne Farms. Really nice place. Driving up, you wouldn't think they'd let riff-raff like the Northern Clan inside, but they turned out to be very child-friendly and welcoming.
Levi snarfs down some home fries (after eating his first breakfast at home) This kid never stops eating!

This is the view from right outside the entryway...nice, isn't it?!

Levi helped me to do some exploratory digging in preparation to put in a French drain.
We got DIRTY, and we loved it!

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