Monday, May 11, 2009

Big Truck Day

Okay, so this last Saturday, it was Big Truck Day. (Well, for Northern Dad, it was mow the freakin' grass day.) A nursery school in the area decided to gather a bunch of trucks into a parking lot and let little boys and girls go bananas over looking at them. Sounds like a pretty good idea to me...(just take the keys out when you park them...)
Since I was at home, happily running my tractor and terrorizing little defenseless blades of grass, I can only relate details as given to me by Northern Mommy and Northern Baby (but he's still too busy making engine noises and trying to show me just how BIG the trucks were to really give an accurate accounting of the event - he's still trying to convince me that one of the trucks was as big as the house...)
Levi got his very own fireman's hat...he loves this thing! I'm not sure if he likes it because it's a fireman's hat or because it says "Fire Chief" and he thinks that means he can boss us around...

Isn't he just adorable?! Inspecting the equipment to make sure it's safe for the job site! (I'm not posting the picture that shows him unscrewing the cap on the valve stem....honest, sir, I don't have a clue how your $5,000 tire got a flat...!)

Allright - maybe it seemed as big as the house to him...

If I could just reach the pedals....

According to Northern Mommy, this is the tail end of some kind of snow removal equipment.
(Once again, isn't he just so cute?!)

Wheee! It's a slide!

How come I get the feeling that he's going to want to be a fireman? - He's got his hat, he's been inside the truck, and he's fearless....

One thing is for sure: if they run this event again next year, Northern Daddy gets to go along. So far, Northern Baby thinks that the proper names for the different kinds of equipment are 'digger, scooper, pusher'(Thanks alot, Northern Mommy!). We have to have proper supervision along next time to teach him about excavators, dozers, and etc.


granny in the garden said...

Of course we read your blog! I just sent a link to Bryn so you would have even more fans!
...and yes, he's adorable!

Becky said...
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Becky said...

Dear Northern Daddy,

First off we really enjoy your post. Your outlook and commentary are quite humerous to us.

Our little man, also makes man truck noises, although they currently all sound the same.

Finally, are you planning on visiting the Shelburne Museum? There is a motorcycle exhibit that my hubby is really interested in...we're thinking about going sometime between May 17-oct 25.


The Virginia Jeeper said...

I want to go to BIG truck day! I've already attended "Mow the Freakin' Grass Day" and it was no fun.

Keep updating, I check the blog almost daily for a new dose of the funny! -J