Saturday, May 16, 2009

Day for the Kids

Burlington hosted their annual Children's Day on the waterfront today, and of course the NorthernBaby family attended.
I don't have a picture of our parking spot, because like most people, I don't take photos of where I park the car (well, unless I ended up parked in a tree...or in a lake...or on the 14th green of the local golf course...then, yeah - I'd take a photo!), but we got an excellent parking spot down on the waterfront. Why am I starting a post by mentioning a parking spot? Well, if you've ever been to Burlington's waterfront, you know that most of the parking areas are at the TOP of the hill. And when you're ready to leave the waterfront and head home, you have to WALK ALL THE #@$%^%$ WAY UP THE HILL!!! (If you haven't noticed, I'm not a huge fan of walking up the hill...) So, the day started off with the HUGE plus of not walking any hills!
So, we start off with our Northern Einstein facing off against some blocks - I wish I could report that he stacked the blocks on the pole with expert precision, but we had to coach him just a little bit (but Dad, I don't want to turn the block to line up the hole - I wanna bash it until it fits!).
One pill makes you smaller....we check out a BIG chair!
Really - not a photo trick - this chair was quite large. It would seat three adults across!

Our hero investigates the interior of an ambulance - hopefully now that he's seen it, he won't ever have the desire to injure himself and get a ride in one! (Yeah, right: as adventurous as he is, I'm betting that he gets to know the EMTs on a first-name basis!)

We took one of the lug nuts off of Engine One. Shhhh!

I'm pooping on the shiny red truck....

There was a Noodle Corral for the kids to play in. I got stuck on the outside... :(

Fun day for the Northerns! Tomorrow we'll be heading out to Shelburne Museum for a look around at the Lilac Festival. (Ummm.......sure we're going for the lilacs.....there's a new exhibit called Full Throttle - forty plus motorcycles on display in the round barn! I've been waiting for this to open for months! Hey Northern Mommy: WE GO NOW?!!!)
I'll be sure to update with pics of the Museum trip as soon as life's schedule allows, so be sure to check back. (And don't think that I don't know about Northern Mommy's little email that she sent out after my last post - asking for comments to be posted....BAD Northern Mommy! BAD! But, it is good to know that I'm not always typing into the vast wasteland of the web, and that someone reads this thing every once in a while - thank you all for your comments)(and if N.Mommy pulls a stunt like that again, she'll have all the flowers pulled out of the garden!)

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