Sunday, October 19, 2014

Hunting Season

The Northerns don't have a television hooked up to an antenna or cable. That would be too much of a time waster for them. It could get expensive, too. While they don't have access to live programming, they do still own a TV - it's hidden upstairs and is hooked up to a DVD/VHS machine. (Yes, VHS. Stop laughing.)
Sometimes, while NorthernMommy is upstairs folding laundry, LittleNortherner gets to go up and watch a movie. Today was one such day.
NorthernDaddy had to fetch LittleNortherner downstairs for some reason or another, and as he climbed the stairs, he heard this movie playing...
LittleNortherner turned his attention away from the screen just long enough to ask,"Do you know why I picked this movie to watch?"  After NorthernDaddy's few failed guesses, LittleNortherner filled him in...
"Because Bambi's mom gets shot in this movie, and it's hunting season right now."
NorthernDaddy is so glad that his son picked the movie based on storyline, animation, likeable characters, and things such as that......
(At least LittleNortherner is a true Vermonter - he knows when Hunting Season is open!)

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