Thursday, October 2, 2014

All I Want for Christmas...

LittleNortherner has had a loose tooth for weeks. He's been wiggling it, worrying it, and generally working non-stop at getting that thing to come out. Today, when NorthernMommy and Daddy picked him up from school, he was proud to announce that the tooth was missing (from his mouth - there's no way he's gonna lose the tooth itself. NorthernMommy killed the "Tooth Fairy" thing for Little a long while ago, but he still gets a shiny new quarter for each tooth that falls out.).
After tonight's bath, LittleNortherner was put to bed. Shortly after lights out - which is the time that the adults in the house can slow down half a step and enjoy the relative quiet and get their chores done - LittleNortherner came around the corner into the living room, offering up another tooth. The other front tooth had "fallen out".
Dang, dude - this tooth thing is not a money-making venture. NorthernDaddy will give you a dollar to stop pulling teeth out and go to bed!

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