Monday, October 20, 2014

Are You Kidding Me?

 LittleNortherner is pretty much the definition of a boy: full of energy, always moving, climbs everything, doesn't wash behind his ears, loves swords and guns, likes super heros, doesn't play with dolls.
This came in the mail the other day:
That's right, the American Girl doll catalog. The Northerns are not an American Girl type of family. The dolls and their accessories are expensive, the whole approach to marketing the dolls is a little crazy, and - according to LittleNortherner - the only child in the house is a boy, and he does not play with dolls!
NorthernDaddy gave the catalog to Little and told him that his Christmas present was being ordered from it.....

1 comment:

Dan said...

Very Funny. BUT, it is not nice to tease LN - Payback can be BAD!