Thursday, October 30, 2014

Carving It Up

It's that time of year again - the time where millions of innocent pumpkins are hacked up and turned into jack-o-lanterns.
LittleNortherner is still a little too excitable for NorthernDaddy to hand him the carving knife, so Daddy had to slice up the squash. LittleNortherner made a detailed drawing of how he wanted the finished product to look, and Daddy thinks that he got pretty close to the blueprint.  It was slightly difficult because Little kept making change-orders while Daddy was in the middle of making painstakingly careful slices to produce the scars...
...with all the trouble it was, NorthernDaddy thinks that the time for LittleNortherner to carve his own pumpkins is coming up fast. Skip the sharp knives - see if the little man can cut details while using a plastic knife and a spork!

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