Thursday, October 30, 2014

Carving It Up

It's that time of year again - the time where millions of innocent pumpkins are hacked up and turned into jack-o-lanterns.
LittleNortherner is still a little too excitable for NorthernDaddy to hand him the carving knife, so Daddy had to slice up the squash. LittleNortherner made a detailed drawing of how he wanted the finished product to look, and Daddy thinks that he got pretty close to the blueprint.  It was slightly difficult because Little kept making change-orders while Daddy was in the middle of making painstakingly careful slices to produce the scars...
...with all the trouble it was, NorthernDaddy thinks that the time for LittleNortherner to carve his own pumpkins is coming up fast. Skip the sharp knives - see if the little man can cut details while using a plastic knife and a spork!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Are You Kidding Me?

 LittleNortherner is pretty much the definition of a boy: full of energy, always moving, climbs everything, doesn't wash behind his ears, loves swords and guns, likes super heros, doesn't play with dolls.
This came in the mail the other day:
That's right, the American Girl doll catalog. The Northerns are not an American Girl type of family. The dolls and their accessories are expensive, the whole approach to marketing the dolls is a little crazy, and - according to LittleNortherner - the only child in the house is a boy, and he does not play with dolls!
NorthernDaddy gave the catalog to Little and told him that his Christmas present was being ordered from it.....

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Hunting Season

The Northerns don't have a television hooked up to an antenna or cable. That would be too much of a time waster for them. It could get expensive, too. While they don't have access to live programming, they do still own a TV - it's hidden upstairs and is hooked up to a DVD/VHS machine. (Yes, VHS. Stop laughing.)
Sometimes, while NorthernMommy is upstairs folding laundry, LittleNortherner gets to go up and watch a movie. Today was one such day.
NorthernDaddy had to fetch LittleNortherner downstairs for some reason or another, and as he climbed the stairs, he heard this movie playing...
LittleNortherner turned his attention away from the screen just long enough to ask,"Do you know why I picked this movie to watch?"  After NorthernDaddy's few failed guesses, LittleNortherner filled him in...
"Because Bambi's mom gets shot in this movie, and it's hunting season right now."
NorthernDaddy is so glad that his son picked the movie based on storyline, animation, likeable characters, and things such as that......
(At least LittleNortherner is a true Vermonter - he knows when Hunting Season is open!)

Friday, October 3, 2014

What's Going On Around Here?

NorthernDaddy might be imagining things,
but it seems that...

 ...every couple of days...
 ...the calendar is a little bit lower....

Thursday, October 2, 2014

All I Want for Christmas...

LittleNortherner has had a loose tooth for weeks. He's been wiggling it, worrying it, and generally working non-stop at getting that thing to come out. Today, when NorthernMommy and Daddy picked him up from school, he was proud to announce that the tooth was missing (from his mouth - there's no way he's gonna lose the tooth itself. NorthernMommy killed the "Tooth Fairy" thing for Little a long while ago, but he still gets a shiny new quarter for each tooth that falls out.).
After tonight's bath, LittleNortherner was put to bed. Shortly after lights out - which is the time that the adults in the house can slow down half a step and enjoy the relative quiet and get their chores done - LittleNortherner came around the corner into the living room, offering up another tooth. The other front tooth had "fallen out".
Dang, dude - this tooth thing is not a money-making venture. NorthernDaddy will give you a dollar to stop pulling teeth out and go to bed!