Thursday, March 14, 2013

Brain Dump

It's getting to the end of the week, and in a effort to ease his cranial processing, NorthernDaddy is going to unpack the mental duffel bag. Just a few random things from this week:
LittleNortherner Sir CheapShot took a break from attacking poor NorthernDaddy King Fluffy Baldness and did his chores.
Put the sword and shield down - even knights have to do their chores...
True first sign of Spring: the town posted the roads. (Three days later than last year - that means that it will be winter for at least a bazillion more weeks and nobody will get to enjoy sunshine or growing vegetables... just shoot us now.)
NorthernMommy has just about lost her mind. The issue isn't the little demanding goofball in the house (or the big one, either), it's the ladybugs that have set up shop in the walls. When it gets warm, the nice little ladybugs come out of their hiding spots and crawl around on the windows. They also fly all over the house and pretty much rule the joint. It's possible that one darling little bug commandeered the bag of marshmallows and ran off with them - the marshmallows haven't been seen for a week or so, and that's the story that NorthernDaddy is going with: it was the ladybugs. (Yup, 'twas the ladybugs...BURRP....) NorthernMommy doesn't like the ladybugs in the house very much. In fact, after the second or third one landed on her head just as she was drifting off to sleep, she flipped out. The vacuum cleaner came out, and the war was on. NorthernMommy has gone all Rambo on the cute little bugs; the vacuum is her machine gun. She's got an extension cord at hand for extended range and a bandoleer of vacuum bags for quick reloads. It's c r a z y. Throughout the house, when the vacuum motor switches on, you can hear the screaming. Not the's Mommy screaming as she annihilates the mass of cute red ladybugs. Die! Die! Everyone into the bag! Die! 
LittleNortherner thinks Mommy is funny. NorthernDaddy thinks that Mommy has a slight case of cabin fever...
Image found at
Last item to clear from the mental clipboard, even though Daddy isn't sure that one can possibly un-hear something like this, is the notice that LittleNortherner delivered on the way to the bathroom this afternoon.
"Guys, I'm not LittleNortherner anymore. My name is now Potty Monkey.
(Daddy swears that he had nothing to do with that one!)


1 comment:

The Virginia Jeeper said...

Long live the POTTY MONKEY!

I think I may have to make Levi a t-shirt with "Potty Monkey" emblazoned across the back - and of course, Northerndaddy will need a matching shirt!