Friday, March 15, 2013


It's that time of year again. The days start getting longer, temperatures warm up, skunks start wandering (you thought that smell was NorthernDaddy's boots?), and a young man's thoughts turn to......ducks. That's right; ducks are due in at the farm supply store any day. NorthernMommy has been calling them every day to inquire about the ducks' arrival date. (The restraining order used the word 'harassment', but that's another issue....)
NorthernDaddy started looking around and preparing for the new lunch and dinner menu to arrive - he was going to use the same setup that was used last year, but that caused a problem to arise. That problem is that NorthernMommy likes to park inside the garage. Last year, the large plywood brooder was set up in her garage bay, and she parked on Daddy's side of the garage. Well, this year, Daddy's project has been parked in his garage bay. If the plywood brooder gets used, that means that Mommy's gonna park outside, too. Did you get that earlier reference about NorthernMommy liking to park inside? That means that a new solution must be found.
 A solution was indeed found. Ladies and Gentlemen, NorthernDaddy would like to present what might be a world's first: a forty-one year old, 3500 lbs duck brooder. We're talking Deluxe Duckling Domicile. 

This solution seems to be beneficial on many levels. First (and definitely foremost), NorthernMommy gets to park inside. Second, it's raised off the ground to make daily cleaning easier (don't have to stoop over to refresh bedding, food, or water). Third, maybe the noise and bustle and having people around working on the truck might help to acclimatize the ducklings to humans. Last year's ducks were a little on the skittish side (read that to mean "afraid of absolutely everything"). Hopefully, some noise and company will help the newbies become socialized. (And thus more friendly and welcoming when Mr. Racoon comes to visit for dinner, right?!) (That reminds NorthernDaddy: Gotta beef up the duck house/run as soon as the weather permits - don't want to serve up another duck banquet to that furry bandit. Thinking some heavier wire, an electric fence, and sensor-triggered flame throwers - that ought to do it. There was some thought given to a protective moat, but that was vetoed after the realization that the ducks would just play and swim in the moat - rendering the protective feature null.)
So there it is, the finest duck brooder in the northern reaches of Vermont!

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