Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Winner!

Go here.
See these quotes: "...as there appears to be a major competition between Andy and myself as to who can make the smoothest, most perfect ball of mozzarella..."
"... there will be many more cheese making sessions for me to secure my victory..."
The Northerns had pasta for dinner tonight. The garnish was home-made mozzarella cheese. NorthernMommy had the brilliant idea to have LittleNortherner complete a blind taste-test of the two mozzarella balls (one made by Mommy, and one perfectly crafted by Daddy). It truly was a blind comparison, because LittleNortherner had no idea that his milk had been swiped and turned into cheese. He was actually like, "Wait a minute...you can make cheese?!" A small sample of each cheese was given to LittleN, and (even with Mommy trying to subtly steer the judge towards her cheese) he promptly - and with no hesitation - chose Daddy's cheese as the best.
That's right: NorthernDaddy's complete domination of his own kitchen continues!
Why the out of season photo of the flower? Because it snowed a lot today, and the Northerns are in need of a reminder of Summer.

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