Monday, October 22, 2012


Remember the conversations that NorthernDaddy posted about last cross-country season? The ones that had LittleNortherner asking really deep questions about what is inside candy bars or how smooshed water goes into candy? Well, luckily, the conversations on the ride home have been much more mainstream this year - mostly discussions of how the day went, how lunch was, which kid got into trouble or some thing such as that.
Today, things were not normal.
Half-way home, NorthernDaddy glanced back at LittleNortherner and saw a finger being pulled away from LittleNortherner's mouth and a vigorous chewing action going on. NorthernDaddy was concerned that his son might be chewing on a leaf - LittleNortherner carried a maple leaf out to the car from preschool. NorthernDaddy asked what LittleNortherner was chewing on, and got the answer, "Nothing."
Asks Daddy, "Do you have anything in your mouth?"
LittleNortherner, "No." (Still a good chewing motion going on...)
"What's in your mouth?"
"Dude, seriously; you've got something in your mouth. Is it part of that leaf?"
(Shakes head negative)
"If you don't answer, I will stop this car. Now, what is in your mouth?"
"Magic Boogers."
(Eeeew. NorthernDaddy wants to jab an ice pick into his ears after hearing that.)
(Where does the conversation go from here?)
(Should NorthernDaddy just drop the conversation? Should he redirect or take the opportunity to make this an instructionable moment about proper manners in public - is booger eating even covered in Miss Manners?)
(NorthernDaddy can't resist.)
"What are Magic Boogers?"
"Well, Daddy, you eat them and they turn you into a fairy, or a king, or a dragon..."
(That car ride never really recovered....)
He only looks innocent and cute!

1 comment:

Diane said...

Oh gosh, cannot stop laughing!!