Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Man's Work (How to Con a Four-Year-Old Into Helping)

NorthernToddler (that doesn't look right, does it? Toddlers are ages one to three, right? Our hero is four. Need to name him something other than Toddler. "NorthernBoy" doesn't sound quite right. "NorthernNutcase" might be accurate, but could create a need for counseling later in his life. NorthernMommy and Daddy will do some brainstorming and try to come up with something. For today, he will remain 'Toddler'.)
Start over: NorthernToddler doesn't like to do his chores. He's been pitching in the past few weeks because he's trying to earn money toward a LEGO set. (A big one - he still needs to earn $17 before Daddy matches his savings. It'll be months before he sees that new LEGO house!) Other than trying to exploit the money factor, Toddler doesn't seek out other opportunities to pull his weight at home.
NorthernDaddy needed to do some things, and one of the tasks was to move the recliner from the house up to the office. NorthernDaddy is perfectly capable of grabbing the chair and carrying it up the stairs, but Toddler doesn't know that. In order to get Toddler to help (and to stop him from continually asking to play swords), Daddy presented Toddler with the opportunity for an adventure. There was some "Man's Work" that needed to be done. Toddler would need to grab a strap and help Daddy haul the chair base up the stairs. It would be tough work, and maybe too much for Toddler, but the 'men' would try the best that they could. Toddler fell for it - he ran and grabbed a strap.
NorthernMommy came home from cross-country practice as the men were headed out the door. "Outta the way, Mommy! There's Man Work to be done!"
The picture's a little fuzzy, but Toddler did indeed pull his weight on this one. Well done, NorthernToddler!

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