Wednesday, October 17, 2012

NHL Lockout? Ain't No Lockout Here!

With the NHL players locked out, and a dim prospect for the 2012 season, the Northern household is saddened. The whole family was looking forward to their beloved Capitals beating up on the Bruins. (NorthernDaddy writes the blog: his team gets top billing.) (Today's news is that there might be a deal reached to start a full season on Nov.1. Keep tuned.)
With only college and youth league hockey before them, Toddler and Daddy have decided to go ahead and launch Kitchen Hockey season. The 'rink' is the same as last season: the Northerns' kitchen. The 'rules' are the same: Toddler changes them whenever he sees fit. The equipment is upgraded: Toddler has his full complement of safety gear. NorthernDaddy likes the safety gear - it allows him to fire unrestrained shots on goal. NorthernToddler is fine with getting hit by a slapshot - it's the stuff in the kitchen that is going to end up getting broken!
The season opener was a rowdy affair.  The tennis ball bounced off every wall in the rink as shots were taken and deflected. (The puck is still in Summer Detention until Daddy and Toddler talk Mommy into letting it out for play.) Just about the time that the game got interesting, NorthernMommy came home and the game had to come to an end (too much noise when the ball hit the stove - and one of the players had to cook dinner).
Buy your Kitchen Hockey tickets early - there's no lockout here!

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