Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Yes, the title has been used recently (very recently) to describe happenings in the Northern household. Well, it's being used again because there doesn't seem to be another word that accurately describes life with NorthernToddler. It seems that, somewhere in his mind, Toddler has set a goal to drive his mother and father crazy. The goal is to do this before he turns four. In recent days, Toddler has realized that he only has a few precious weeks - and he has launched an aggressive assault to reach his goal.
This means that NorthernDaddy and Mommy have seen and heard some really weird things this week.
Yesterday, Toddler went streaking through the kitchen on his way to the potty. That's pretty normal around here. Toddler gets so busy playing or reading or driving his parents batty that he doesn't realize that he needs to use the bathroom until the very last minute - and then he goes sprinting to the potty. Normal for everyone by now. The unusual part came when Toddler called out for Daddy to "come here". Normally, this means "wipe my butt". Ugh. Daddy headed for the bathroom to perform his duties only to find that Toddler had already wiped his own butt. Then, he had balled up a wad of toilet paper and lodged it between his 'cheeks'. So, when Daddy entered the bathroom, there was Toddler - butt in the air and a puffy ball of toilet paper sticking out.

"Look...I'm a bunny rabbit!"

Now, NorthernDaddy is no fool. He was sure to keep Toddler from seeing him laughing because that would just encourage that kind of behavior. So what to do?

"Um...nice, son. How 'bout you go show your momma?"

And he did! He waddled along backwards with his pants down - out through the kitchen towards NorthernMommmy, yelling, "I'm a bunny rabbit! I'm a bunny rabbit!"

1 comment:

Diane said...

Oh my gosh I cannot stop laughing.