Monday, January 16, 2012


The Northerns have lost their minds (once again).
What did they do this time?
They bought NorthernToddler a pair of downhill skis.
Now, NorthernDaddy's only contribution to this endeavor was to purchase the skis, boots, and HELMET! NorthernDaddy has only been on a ski hill once. The story has been told before: he fell down getting off the lift; it took more than an hour of coaching by (and fighting with) NorthernMommy to fall his way down the hill; and there was the depressing later revelation that the hill that conquered NorthernDaddy was not even the "bunny hill" - it was smaller than that. NorthernDaddy does not downhill ski. He enjoys cross-country skiing, but he does not downhill ski.
NorthernMommy grew up in this frozen Northern Wasteland (it was minus 15 degrees last night) and has been skiing all her life. Skiing is taught in school. She knows what she's doing on the ski slope. She was picked to teach Toddler how to ski and, since today was a school holiday, decided to give him his first taste of falling down in the snow. The local park provided a small downhill slope, and this is the result of Toddler's first skiing excursion. (Keep in mind that he had a "food" lesson: NorthernMommy told him to keep his skis like french fries (straight/parallel) to go downhill and to make them like pizza (wedge) to stop. Why couldn't NorthernDaddy get instruction like that?!)

Looks like he's a natural, doesn't it?

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