Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Trying to "Off" NorthernDaddy?

NorthernDaddy thinks that someone in the family is  trying to take him out. Gone. Kapoof. No more NorthernDaddy. Your first thought? Yeah, Daddy's first suspect would be NorthernToddler, too. That hyperactive, milk-swilling, bundle of joy has it in for his Daddy. Always punching him in the leg, dropping things on him, and aiming for his head when lauching off the sofa. Yup, if anyone had told NorthernDaddy that a member of his own family was trying to snuff him, the first guess would be TODDLER.
Turns out that there is another member of the Northern Clan that wants Daddy to become ill or...dead. Please take a moment to read this post at her blog: http://haphazardlysustainable.blogspot.com/2012/01/laundry-detergent.html

While it's nice that Mommy is saving the family some money and possibly saving the environment at the same time, it is sad that she is trying to send Daddy for a dirt nap while she's doing so. Take a look at the photo below:
That is a picture of NorthernDaddy's dinner cooking. The other two occupants of the house already had their dinners, so Daddy was forced to cook his own food. Possibly because she did not have to partake of the yumminess that is chicken and rice, Mommy seemed to have no problem with melting down soap in that big black pot on the back burner. It probably wouldn't have been a problem if Mommy hadn't been drizzling shredded soap over the pan of chicken every time she added to that pot. Ugh! Aughh! Soap in the chicken! NorthernDaddy's gonna die!

So far, NorthernDaddy has survived. Just be sure to keep an eye on those two -Toddler and Mommy- if anything "unfortunate" should befall poor NorthernDaddy. They're trying to get rid of him for sure!

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