Sunday, May 9, 2010

Big Truck Day 2010

Big Truck Day 2010
Cold weather? Check. Rain? Check. Big trucks? Um....hold on, lemme look over behind that giant pink cement mixer.....Check!
So, the weather wasn't as nice as it could have been, but at least it wasn't snowing (which it has been all day today. Think about that: it's May 9, 2010 - we should be enjoying warm, sunny weather, and it is still snowing. We're daydreaming about possibly becoming the SouthFloridaBaby clan....I bet it's warm there! NorthernToddler is obsessed with school buses. Absolutely loves them. (He obviously hasn't spent a lot of time riding them to and from a school!) He explored this bus several times. Here he is checking out the fit of the seats.
Hey! Somebody just hit my head with their snowplow!

The only thing we're going to say about the very large piece of equipment pictured below is that, on the drive home, I said something about the giant snowthrower from the airport, and NorthernMommy replied that she didn't recall seeing a snowthrower.....(just how do you miss seeing that?!)

NorthernToddler gets some seat time in an off-road forklift.

No photo, but NorthernToddler went into a Bouncy House for the very first time ever! It wasn't any little bouncy house, either. This thing was huge - it had a two-story slide in it! There were so many kids inside making this thing bounce (I tried to find another word besides 'bounce', but none of them work - it's a bouncy house, after all!) that NorthernMommy had to accompany little man into the melee. After getting tossed from end to end of this thing, they finally made it up the ladder and down the slide. He likes bouncy houses!
The other weird thing was seeing the DJ (sorry - 'radio personality') that was doing the remote broadcast calling his segment in on his phone. We started outside to head home, and saw this guy talking into his cell phone, and could hear that what he was saying into the phone was also coming out of the radio behind us.....kinda odd! Turns out that he calls into the station, the engineer there patches him into the 'on-air' feed, he says his bit, and that's it! Odd to see in action....

And to cap off our Big Truck Day review, a final picture of NorthernToddler. (Cutest little tyke in the world, ain't he?!)

1 comment:

Heather said...

A pink cement mixer? Things that make you go hmmmm...