Friday, May 14, 2010

Chick Day 2010!

Today is Friday. It has been a very long week. Both NorthernMommy and NorthernDaddy are fried. Northern Toddler kicked the week off with days off from work for both of us - right as our work schedules exploded. For him, it's nothing more than his umpteenth ear infection. For us, it's yet another obstacle to getting our work done on time. We both made it to the end of the week and got everything done, but just barely. Our only glimmer of hope, our little spark of encouragement was that our little, fluffy, ball-of-fuzz baby chicks would be coming home with us on Friday afternoon.
That's supposed to be a picture of our cute little chicks in the box they came home in. Or, as Northern Toddler told the man at the store, "Put my #$@% chickens in the box!". Apparently, the chicken shop (or hatchery, or whatever it's called) had a bunch of Buff Orp roosters hatch out this week instead of hens, so our box stays empty for another week.
Not a really big deal for NorthernDaddy - we'll get our chickens whenever.
Kind of a bummer for NorthernMommy - she wants chickens NOW!
NorthernToddler is quite perturbed. Everyone else walked out of the Depot with their box of chicks.....there are tons of them inside....why are we leaving with an empty box?! (Normally, I'm all about 'being there' for my son, but I am so glad that I was stuck at work and not in the car on that ride home!) NorthernMommy said that for the entire ride home, all she heard was, "CHIX IN BOX? CHIX IN BOX! CHIX IN BOX, NOW!!!"
So, we leave you, our dear readers, to wait with us until next week - when it will once again be Chick Day 2010.

(Grandma - watch out: you arrive on Chick Day. We cannot guarantee that NB/T will acknowledge your arrival....might want to practice 'cheep'-ing like a little chicken so that you can get his attention!)

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