Saturday, May 8, 2010

Random Photos

Today is Big Truck Day! While we're waiting for the event to open, here are some totally random and jumbled pictures.
Below, NB/T enjoys the fact that the 17" of snow from last week is gone and practices his T-Ball swing. (He's so good that we're now calling him 'Hammer' in reference to his batting ability.)(Or maybe just in reference to his tendency to bash anything in sight when he is handed a bat!) Better play deep in the outfield - it'll go that far....

Lump? What lump?
Lest any of our dear readers begin to think that we're abusing poor NB/T, he sustained this injury when he slipped while sprinting into the kitchen (don't stand between this kid and the food when it's dinner time!). He slipped and fell flat onto his melon; and got this nice goose-egg in the process. Strange how a flat section of floor is what causes injury when he's normally climbing dangerous things and jumping out of airplanes (you just wait - he'll do it if we let him!) and engaging in all kinds of risky behavior.

Shortly after calming down from the hit to the head, this is Levi after we told him it was bath time. At first glance, it appears that he is smiling and waving around some drumsticks or something, right? Well, look closer. He's actually holding the knives from his kitchen set and doing his kung-fu/karate routine. He had no intention of going to his bath, and was prepared to defend his position to the death! (Luckily, they are only wooden knives and he's only three feet tall - so the situation was resolved with only minor casualties!)

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