Sunday, November 8, 2015

Test...test.. this thing on? NorthernDaddy hasn't posted in quite some time.  Some of it has to do with time management, some of it with trying to find time to sit down at the desktop. Since Daddy found out that blogger has a mobile app, he decided to test out how easy it will be to use to keep updated.

Our test? Chickens. The top is our "chicken" rooster. He's a big ol' tall feathered fighting machine, but he's mainly just a scaredy-cat. The lower is one of our pretty hens. NorthernDaddy prefers our previous Buff Orpingtons, but these ladies are a close second...

1 comment:

Dan said...

He's back! After 7 months, a new blog post (yes, I really do check every morning)! Great pictures; pretty chickens. I thought about blogging but never got off my behind to do it, so my Congratulations to you for the effort. Post more whenever you can.