Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Bath-Time Diversions

LittleNortherner takes a bath every evening. It's a chance for him to clean off the day's dirt and wind down to get ready for bed. For the past year or so, the bath time routine has included watching videos on an iPad (America's Funniest Videos, best auditions for Britain's Got Talent). Lately, NorthernMommy and Daddy have been thinking that Little has been getting too much computer time, so a change is due.

     NorthernDaddy found these (at Gardener's Supply) and thought they might be an interesting diversion from the little one's complaining about not having the iPad. They're pretty cool - they have sticky feet that grip the wall and slowly release. The result is a herky-jerky slow-motion tumble down the wall. They're fun to watch...and fun to race. We think they worked - not a single complaint about not having the iPad.

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