Monday, November 16, 2015

Nice Piggy...

When NorthernDaddy and LittleNortherner arrived home today, there was a pig in the kitchen. Now - just to clarify for our regular readers - the pig was stuffed, not real. But since y'all know NorthernMommy's history with animals around here (remember the first rabbit that just "showed up" here?), things needed to be clarified.
Not knowing whose pig this was or why it was in the Northerns' kitchen, Daddy cautioned Little to keep his hands off of it. That kept him away for a short time. As NorthernDaddy was juggling making dinner with treadmill time, he had to pause every mile to check on the cooking food. During one of these quick breaks, Little ran into the kitchen, set the pig down and ran off - talking constantly (as he is known to do). Daddy wasn't paying the slightest amount of attention to whatever Little was jabbering about until a NERF dart came screaming past him and walloped the pig in the side. The next thing Daddy sees is Little running in with the NERF gun shouting,"POW - GOT HIM RIGHT IN THE BACON!"

Yup, "right in the bacon" indeed. NorthernDaddy is still laughing at that one....

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Bath-Time Diversions

LittleNortherner takes a bath every evening. It's a chance for him to clean off the day's dirt and wind down to get ready for bed. For the past year or so, the bath time routine has included watching videos on an iPad (America's Funniest Videos, best auditions for Britain's Got Talent). Lately, NorthernMommy and Daddy have been thinking that Little has been getting too much computer time, so a change is due.

     NorthernDaddy found these (at Gardener's Supply) and thought they might be an interesting diversion from the little one's complaining about not having the iPad. They're pretty cool - they have sticky feet that grip the wall and slowly release. The result is a herky-jerky slow-motion tumble down the wall. They're fun to watch...and fun to race. We think they worked - not a single complaint about not having the iPad.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Test...test.. this thing on? NorthernDaddy hasn't posted in quite some time.  Some of it has to do with time management, some of it with trying to find time to sit down at the desktop. Since Daddy found out that blogger has a mobile app, he decided to test out how easy it will be to use to keep updated.

Our test? Chickens. The top is our "chicken" rooster. He's a big ol' tall feathered fighting machine, but he's mainly just a scaredy-cat. The lower is one of our pretty hens. NorthernDaddy prefers our previous Buff Orpingtons, but these ladies are a close second...