Sunday, May 4, 2014

Dancing Chicken

By the title of this post, you might think that NorthernDaddy has finally managed to teach one of the chickens how to dance. Alas, that is not so.
On Easter Sunday, one of the family members presented the Northerns with an almost-life-sized chicken. This chicken clucks and dances and flaps its wings when the button is pressed. (The family member shall not be named...yet. This particular family member has a habit of giving noise-making stuffed animals to the Northerns. It started with small animals: a tiny turkey that "gobbled" when squeezed, a little duckling that "quacked" when you pushed its belly. This time, it was a much larger, more...animated animal. NorthernDaddy is starting to fear a time when a life-sized animal shows up. Maybe a full-size cow that moos and delivers chocolate milk when the udders are pulled? That's when the family member will be named - and committed to the looney bin!)
Back to the Robo-Chicken...naturally, NorthernDaddy wanted to see how the real chickens would interact with the new addition to the flock. There was some apprehension from the hens when Robo-Cluck did her song and dance, but then they just ignored the strange new girl....

Of course, every chicken needs a tour around the local towns and roads. 

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