Tuesday, May 6, 2014

"Boom" Go the Brownies

Occasionally, NorthernMommy makes treats for her students' birthdays. Cookies, cakes, and brownies. Most of the time, these goodies turn out perfectly fine (except that LittleNortherner and NorthernDaddy do not get to sample them. Darn school kids....)
One student is sensitive to gluten, so NorthernMommy picked up a gluten-free brownie mix. Things seemed to be going well, until the buzzer rang and NorthernDaddy popped open the oven door to check if the brownies were done.
The brownies were not done. In fact, it appeared that the brownie army had just been mobilized and were starting their land assault on the Northerns' kitchen. Don't know what special ingredient was in that box of gluten-free brownie mix, but it failed spectacularly.

As for the student with the birthday? Poor kid gets a veggie tray....

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