Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sure Sign of Spring

At the end of a long week that's been filled with hard work and cold days, there is excitement in the Northern household.
The town posted the roads!
It's hard to see the sign (the orange-framed one tucked behind the tree), but it went up on Friday!
For those readers that don't know - or have forgotten - what "posting the roads" means, it's when signs get put up on the dirt roads, telling drivers that there are temporary weight restrictions on those roads. It's purpose is to prevent heavy trucks from travelling on dirt roads and causing damage during Mud Season. (If you don't know what Mud Season is, you really need to move north and get a clue! Or, you could visit the Northerns in late March or early April, and they'll help you and your rental car get really well acquainted with Mud Season!)
Anyway, the excitement is due to the fact that Spring follows close behind the annual posting of the roads. The Northerns are really, really ready for Spring!

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