Friday, March 14, 2014

Pi Day

3/14....just another day, right? Not according to the math geeks. It seems that, because people who enjoy playing with numbers needed a reason to party, and 3/14 is the calendar representation of the first three digits of Pi, today is an unofficial holiday. Pi Day.
Now, NorthernDaddy is not a 'math person'. Words are comforting friends, numbers are adversaries with which to do battle. In spite of this, when Pi Day came around, and the radio guy said that the day is celebrated by eating pie, a seed was planted in NorthernDaddy's mind..."Must have pie.."

Yucky, store-bought pie. Not worth celebrating.

LittleNortherner did not know about Pi Day. Don't try to explain Pi to him. He doesn't even know what fractions or the decimal system are. He knows pie, though, and he's into pie!

NorthernMommy knew about Pi Day, but she's on a stretch of avoiding sweets and desserts, so she had to settle for fresh strawberries and flowers. 

Maybe next Pi Day will have to be celebrated with a home-made pie. Or a pizza pie.

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