Sunday, March 9, 2014

Skating the Lake

Lake Morey Skating Trail
Basically: the lake freezes, people skate.
NorthernMommy scooped Daddy on this blog subject....kind of. See, her blog post hasn't published yet - it's set to go live on March 11 at 12:45pm. So, maybe she hasn't gotten the scoop?

NorthernMommy did a pretty good write up. Just missed a few things... the trail is maintained by the grounds keepers from the resort's golf course. They stop mowing in the Fall and start plowing when the ice forms. The ice is like a backyard rink - bumpy as heck in spots, and pretty smooth in others (of course, when NorthernDaddy does a backyard rink, it's not bumpy. He's a little nuts about chasing the perfect smooth ice.) Big plus: access to the trail is free.

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