Sunday, November 24, 2013

Winter Arrives

It's that time again: the annual marking of the First Measurable Snow.
There have been a few little flurries of snow this year; enough to leave a dusting on the grass and the cars. Last night was the first "official" snow. The Northerns got just over an inch of snow Saturday night. It came in quickly, too. The Northerns got home late Saturday evening and the weather was cold but dry. One hour later, they were surprised by the sound of a town truck rolling by with a plow down. They peeped out the window and saw a lovely winter wonderland  all around. (Just kidding about that lovely bit - NorthernDaddy hasn't adjusted to the cold yet this year, and is quite unhappy with the snow at this time.)

Please note that this photo is a recycled picture from last winter - it's too windy and cold and dark to go out right now and snap y'all a pretty new picture. So, just pretend that you've never seen this photo before....
Think Snow!

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