Thursday, November 7, 2013


NorthernMommy and Daddy came home to a message on the answering machine. It was the school counselor. Something about 'just want to run something by you. It's not an emergency or worth interrupting you at work or on your cell'.
Now, who gets a call like that (about their kindergartener) and doesn't get a little bit concerned? Or worried? Or flat-out freaked out and starting to mentally run through the scenarios that might have prompted a call?
When NorthernDaddy picked up LittleNortherner from the after-school program, Little didn't have a clue that the interrogation was about to begin. Slowly, carefully, NorthernDaddy started to probe with questions about the day. Little deflected most of the questions with his usual "if I change the topic and divert the conversation, I'll be fine" approach. Finally, Little mentioned that one of the "bad" things at school today was that he had to talk to Mr.****. (Mr.**** is the school counselor, and probably a perfectly nice gentleman - his name will remain shrouded to prevent him being dragged into the crazy messed-up world that is this blog.)
The short story is that one of Little's classmates was hitting him on the back as they waited in line. Instead of asking the offending boy to stop hitting him, Little started pushing him. (Nice...) The teacher wisely sent the two boys to see the counselor for a stern talking-to.
The counselor's version of what happened will be learned tomorrow when the Northerns return his call (seriously, who calls and leaves a message at home when they know that the parents won't get the message until it's too late to call back that day?!), but NorthernDaddy has a suspicion that this call won't be the last of it's type that Mommy and Daddy receive. (Shoulda had a girl...)
--  --
On another topic, NorthernDaddy recently picked up a game camera. Yup, one of those cameras that have the motion-sensing trigger and catches images of the wildlife that passes near the lens. It's been random hits of weeds blowing in the wind and of NorthernDaddy doing morning chores as the Northerns learn how to properly position and set the device. This morning, as NorthernDaddy stumbled upon the resident skunk (for the umpteenth day in a row)(soon, he's just gonna blast it with the 20 gauge), he was sure that the camera had to have caught a picture of the terrifying beast.
Yup - proof that Mr. Stinky has been visiting.

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