Friday, August 30, 2013

Odd Jobs....

There are things that nobody tells you about when you first have a child.
Things that you never even think that you might have to do.
Some of these tasks are difficult. Some of them are unpleasant. Some of these jobs are absolutely random, unexpected, and totally off-the-wall wacko.
Take this one, for example: 
Tightening the screws that hold the doorknobs together. Who in the world would ever think that they would have to regularly torque these things down? Nobody. Yet, NorthernDaddy finds that he has to put the doorknobs back on the doors very often.
Who do we blame?
We blame LittleNortherner, of course! That little monkey can loosen a doorknob in no time at all. Between opening doors, slamming doors, tying off his "magic tricks", and flat-out hanging from the knobs, there is no rest for Mr. HeWhoWalksWithScrewdriver.
Just one of the odd jobs that needs doing around here....

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