Friday, August 9, 2013

First Aid

Know how the marketing geniuses load up the shelves at a grocery store?
  They hang a young child off the front of a shopping cart and run the aisles - anything at that child's eye level is gonna be a best-seller.
NorthernDaddy discovered this tactic during last Saturday's weekly shopping trip. As he wrestled the cart up and down the aisles (bearings falling out of the rear wheel and the aforementioned monkey hanging off the front), he passed the section with bandages and ointments. All of a sudden, the monkey dropped anchor (shoe rubber squeaking and sliding the cart to a stop) and started shoving the cart backwards up the aisle. "LOOK! Phineas and Ferb Band-Aids!"
(Oh no....just give up now...not getting out of the store without buying those darn Band-Aids..)
Phineas and Ferb is LittleNortherner's favorite show. Actually, it's his only show - he gets very little screen time, and it's actually entertaining enough that Mommy and Daddy will watch along with him. So, when Little saw those bandages with his favorite characters on them, he started off on a long discourse on the reasons that he absolutely had to have them. He was so impassioned and detailed that, after a minute or two, he didn't even notice that Daddy had already thrown them into the cart (hoping to shut down Mr. Filibuster).
NorthernDaddy isn't sure if buying the bandages was a good idea or not. LittleNortherner keeps getting "boo-boos" that "need" a Phineas and Ferb Band-Aid. Was buying them just good timing, or does Little keep inflicting injuries upon himself just to get a new bandage?

Speaking of first aid and bandages, NorthernDaddy was the victim of an overly aggressive tray of bacon. Yup, killer bacon. This rasher of bacon was not content with killing the slow way by clogging arteries. As it came out of the oven, it sloshed 400-degree grease onto NorthernDaddy's arm. Hurt? More than a little. Startle LittleNortherner into silence? For a few minutes. He sat still in his chair until Daddy had figured out first aid for burns (as a side note, every web site for burns starts with a long, drawn-out description of the three degrees of burns. If you've been burned and are in pain and in a hurry to know what to do, you don't necessarily want to have a leisurely read of symptoms), and had started running cold water on the burned area. After he sensed that things had calmed down a bit, LittleNorthern stepped up and carefully voiced his worries: "Daddy, did you manage to save the bacon?"
Bacon before his Daddy - guess he's being raised right!
Six days after the burn - skin's coming back!

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