Monday, August 26, 2013

Fairy Slippers

NorthernMommy ran the Race to the Top of Vermont again this year.
What does that mean?
It means that she ran up the tallest mountain in Vermont.

NorthernMommy also broke one of running's time-tested rules: she ran a race in brand-new, untested shoes. Sane people never run a distance race in untested shoes because they could cause blisters or leg pain or any other of a multitude of problems. Still, after consulting with her trustworthy support crew (NorthernDaddy and LittleNortherner) and realizing that the new shoes prevented her recurring calf pain, it was decided that the rule could be broken.

It turns out that it was a good decision. NorthernMommy ran 4.3 miles up a steep mountain road and walked back down with absolutely no pain. (Other than the normal "I'm gonna die" pain that comes with any running!) It must be that her new shoes are super-fast Fairy Slippers!
 The rockin' new Mizunos are just a little bit blue, aren't they? Now, everyone who reads this blog knows and loves NorthernMommy, and we wouldn't insult her or hurt her feelings, right? But....we might just poke a little fun at her.
Don't those new shoes remind y'all of something?....
Photo from

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