Saturday, January 19, 2013

Slow Going

Building a frame: two hours.
Installing liner: four minutes.
Filling rink: Sixteen hours and counting.....
Three sessions of just over five hours each of running the hose. It's the slow hose, but that's okay. The "fast" hose is powered by the household deep-well pump. The slow hose pulls from a shallow well and feeds the outside spigots. Seems better to fill slowly rather than risk messing up the household water supply.
Deep end of the rink has 6.5" of water and the shallow end has 2". There's just one small spot that needs to be covered - it seems that there is a tree root pushing the liner up in that little spot. It'll take about another two hours of filling to cover it up well. Temps today and tomorrow are mid-30s. Tomorrow night, negative single digits.
Should have skateable ice in a few days!

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