Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Circus Monkey

NorthernMommy is getting old. Sounds harsh, but it's the truth: she's even got one of those things that "old" runners have. That's right, a Physical Therapist. Due to her insistence on logging all of those miles, running races, and um...oh yeah - getting old, she's developed the need for professional help.
One of the treatment options is to massage muscles with a foam roller. NorthernMommy opted for the nicest foam roller on the market these days (Triggerpoint's "The Grid"). This thing is deluxe: heavy-duty construction, sturdy-yet-soft vinyl, and excellent craftsmanship. It is the foam roller to beat all foam rollers.
To LittleNortherner, it's a toy for his gorilla gymnastics. Thirty seconds after it came through the door, he was up practicing his barrel walking.
Darn Circus Monkey!

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