Monday, January 14, 2013

Bring On the Cold

As Winter approached last Fall, NorthernDaddy mentioned that a ice rink the backyard would be a really cool thing to have. Things got busy, and the rink stayed a thought in the back of everyone's mind until last week when NorthernMommy pointed out that there are only two and half more months of cold weather left. In more or less words, she said, "Time to put up or shut up." It might have been a less pleasant conversation than that, but she made several good points that got things moving. In the space of one week, the rink liner was ordered, some plywood for the side boards was found (free!), and the frame was put in place. The only thing left is to lay out the liner and flood it with water - a process that is dependent on a few days of good cold weather.
When the liner carton was opened, it was discovered that NiceRink sends a hockey puck along with one's order. Not expected, and very cool surprise. Unfortunately, NorthernDaddy believes that as soon as LittleNortherner wakes up in the morning and sees the new puck, there will be a big ol' fight over exactly who the puck belongs to. (NorthernDaddy, of course!)
At this time, flooding is expected to kick off on Thursday night. If things go well, you will soon see a blog post on the cool new rink. If things go south, well, sooner or later you will see a blog post on the whole disastrous endeavour!
Cross your fingers and hope for cold weather!

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