Sunday, August 5, 2012


One of the perks of NorthernDaddy's job is that there is a loaner program that allows employees to try out the equipment that is manufactured by the company. This weekend it was time to try out the trimmer. When it's time to trim grass that is eight feet tall, what better piece of machinery to use than a string trimmer attached to a 6HP engine?
The goal was to reclaim sections of the yard that have been neglected over the past five or ten years - and to not break the lawn tractor in the process. (NorthernDaddy's lost two mowers in two years due to trying to brush-hog this stuff, remember?)(Right now, he's temporarily lost his mower due to a bad ignition coil. Who woulda thought that a coil could cost $55?)
Below are some "before" photos. Things are a little overgrown.

There's an old wood-post fence somewhere in there...

Behind the chicken coop/duck house/tractor shed...

The mighty machine ready to take on the world.
NorthernDaddy doesn't want to sound like he's trying to sell his company's products, but this little machine is pretty capable. Pin the throttle and send it into the tall stuff, and the heavy trimmer cord does the job. It's kinda cool seeing the green puff of 'smoke' as the line literally vaporizes plants. The downside is that green mist ends up covering the machine operator as he mows. Definitely gonna want the safety goggles for this gig.
(Without bashing the product, NorthernDaddy does have to mention that mowing rough terrain with this little puppy is quite a workout. Muscling this machine over logs, across ruts, and around root balls will whip your butt. Daddy thinks he might try to talk the guys in the Demo Shop into lending out one of the self-propelled units next time...)


Here are the results
 This is the back of the coop/shed. The Northerns have never really seen this. It has always been overgrown. In the winter, the grass died down enough to see that there was a rusty old burn barrel and a cracked-up truck cap half buried in this area. Those have been removed from the property along with a truckload of trash that was hiding in the tractor shed (and sheltering the woodchucks and mice)(and skunks).
 Found a tree! Actually, just cleared around it to make the yard look better.

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