Saturday, August 25, 2012


Y'all remember this? New Method of Discipline
It works.
PapaFrank and Grandma Shannon rode over on their Harley for a visit today. (NorthernDaddy really misses having a motorcycle some days...) They brought a pineapple, some strawberries, a canteloupe, and ........BACON! PapaFrank had left a message on the machine earlier in the week saying something about winning ten pounds of bacon in a raffle or something. NorthernDaddy doesn't know - he doesn't listen to any phone messages for more than five seconds. Anyway, it doesn't matter - when someone shows up on your doorstep presenting you with five pounds of bacon, you take it. It doesn't matter if it was purchased, raffled, stolen, or hacked right off the pig - bacon is bacon! (Okay, it isn't bacon until it's cured, so maybe that last option isn't good.)
Later in the day, on the way back home after picking up NorthernMommy's race packet (she's running a race to the top of Mount Mansfield)(DUMMY), the discussion turned to the topic of dinner. NorthernDaddy had no interest in going to the grocery store, so a mental inventory of items on hand was created. There's fresh home-made bread, some shredded cheese, tomatoes from the garden, and....bacon! That's the fixings for a world-class meal right there!
When NorthernToddler learned that there would be bacon for dinner, he was jazzed. Elated. Truly happy enough to rock his version of a celebration dance (funny when he's strapped into a car seat!).
At home, Toddler managed to act up a bit and get on NorthernMommy and Daddy's nerves as dinner was cooking (and the wonderful smell of bacon wafted through the house). After the normal time-outs and re-directions failed to tame the little monster, NorthernDaddy finally uttered the lines that created an angel, "Once more, and you get no bacon."
It works!
(Photo sourced from

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